Tuesday 13 March 2012

Home of the Date Palm

Marhaban! Bienvenue! Welcome...
to my Tunisian Dream

Someone once told me to never underestimate the power of dreams - "Dare to Dream, and Dream to Dare." Dreams allow you to discover the indiscoverable, to feel the intangible, and to reach the unreachable. So, when I was asked to dig deep into my dreams and share with the world my dream vacation destination, I'll tell you one thing - I DEFINITELY did not limit myself.

'10 Dates, 1 Palm' is my means for sharing a "fruitful" prospective journey through my mother's homeland of Tunisia. You know, that little country in North Africa that people commonly confuse with Morocco...We all know (or are about to find out) that Tunisia (amongst other things) is famous for its date palms. Those sweet, "melt-in-your-mouth," "candies-for-adults," (as I like to call them) were my inspiration for this site, and are used to help me express to you how I will feel after each day on my trip. The idea is, that after each day I describe, I will also pick and eat a date whose taste will mimic the sensations I feel on that specific date. So, yes, in essence, I am describing a date with a date...kind of sweet (no pun intended).

The Infamous "Tunisian Date Palm." 

As my future vacation unfolds, my goal is to pick the ten dates off of my date palm, and eventually by the end of my trip, reach the lonely palm and its accompanying roots. The roots represent my Tunisian heritage, as all of my mother's family immigrated to Canada from Tunis. She was only three years old when the family chose to leave for religious/political reasons, but somewhere deep inside of her, and inside of her children, the Tunisian seed still lives on. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if she had never moved from there, and if I was actually born in Tunisia. This sparked my desire to travel to Tunisia to explore what my life would have been like if I lived there.

So, why Tunisia? Well, because it is a destination that fits the ten characteristics in my "About me" section, and because it will "water" the Tunisian seed living inside of me. Enjoy the picking!

Your one and only Tunisian Date Picker,


Monday 12 March 2012

Pre-Date-Picking: Considerations and Expectations

Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill.
-Zig Ziglar

By now you've all got the basics of my trip and most importantly, the well-rooted purpose of it. Before we start our 'date-picking,' we must break down the master plan a little further:

Where to? 
The ten day venture will begin in Tunis (Tunisia's capital), where I will explore Tunisia from a cultural and historical perspective. I will taxi to Bizerte (a city in the North) where I will unleash my adventurous side by learning how to scuba dive in Cani. Next, in the city of Douz, I will trek through the Saharian Desert on a camel to say I've done something that not many people will ever get the chance to do. I'll move onto Djerba, an eastern Tunisian landmark, where I will enjoy the luxuries of prime spa treatments and the serenity of beach air. Finally, I will wrap up the trip by returning to Tunis in order to get in touch with my heritage by traveling not only through space, but back in time. 

View My Tunisian Trek in a larger map

I am choosing to embark on this journey with my sister, brother, and two cousins (on my mother's side). We all share a deep connection to Tunisia through our parents, and I feel that discovering it together will not only make us closer as a family, but will allow us to bring back many memories that will last a lifetime. 

My travel group and I almost 15 years ago!

My travel group (one cousin missing) and I-present day. As you can see, we love adventures!

According to many travel sites and recommendations, I will live out this dream when unrest in the Middle East subsides, so as to ensure maximum safety. Ideally, I would like to go at some point within the next 5 years. We'll all still be young, healthy, and most likely not have any serious commitments holding us back...at least I'd like to hope so...According to Tunisian weather averages, and our more free schedules during this time period, we will travel at some point near the end of May-beginning of June. 

Unfortunately, direct flights from Toronto to Tunis are limited, if any. Therefore, we will have to connect in Paris, France. I'm going to expect this to be a long, tiring day!
Once in Tunisia, travel by train, taxi, and bus are all valid routes of transportation. 

Tips: Surviving in Tunisia
What have I heard? 
  • Not great for women traveling alone (That's why I'm traveling in a pack!).
  • Communication can be difficult due to language barriers (That's why I speak French!)
  • Don't lose sight of belongings (That's why I'm not bringing valuables!)
  • Get used to stares (That's why I've already practised my smile!)

Prepare your palates people, because we're about to pick and enjoy some delicious dates!

Your Date-picker,

Sunday 11 March 2012

Date #1: The Mouth-Watering One

If we don't start, it's certain that we can't arrive.
-Zig Ziglar

I guess what Ziglar means is that until we begin exploring, we will never be able to say that we have truly "experienced" or arrived. So let us get started! It will be our first day in Tunisia. After a long flight, we will finally land in Tunisia's capital, Tunis. I'm crossing my fingers that the time change and jet lag won't be too difficult for us to handle, because I know myself...the minute we arrive, I'll be jumping out of my seat, anxious to begin exploring. I crave adventure, remember?
The first day will be a rather lazy one. We will explore the Old Medina of Tunis (the city's old quarter) which is filled with elements of Tunisian history and culture. Contrary to what my fellow travellers will want to do, I will force them to accompany me as I stroll through the endless, uneven streets and alleys of the Medina markets, hopefully picking up a few souvenirs along the way. But I'll still want more. I'll want to explore the non-tourist sections as a way of embracing the true Tunisian culture almost from an 'insider's' view.

Markets sell anything from clothing and artwork to souvenirs and fresh food.
At the end of today, I will pick the first date off of my date palm. Just by the looks of it, it makes my mouth water. This is exactly the feeling I will get after experiencing day #1 of my trip. It's almost as if I've gotten a small taste of what Tunisia is, but my mouth is watering for more. And more is just what I will get...

Your Date-Picker,

Saturday 10 March 2012

Date #2: The Refreshing One

Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself,your mind, body and soul. Then get back to work. -Ralph Marston                                                 

After a peaceful night at  The Residence Tunis, our five star resort hotel, we will be feeling ready to indulge in some relaxation. According to advice from other Tunis travellers, the Raf Raf beach, not too far from Tunis, is a beautiful beach backed by sand dunes, and the clearest water. A quick dunk in the water and a long day at the beach would be just what everyone needed after a busy day at the Old Medina. Remember, to me, travel is not just about the sights you see, but the smells of the fresh beach air, the sounds of the tides crashing in, and the taste of the sea's saltwater. Until we touch on all the senses, we cannot say we've truly traveled. The video below nicely emphasizes the senses, and describes the mood I will be feeling.

So, at the end of today, I will have picked my second date off of my date palm. The minute it enters my mouth, I can tell it is refreshing. Refreshed is exactly what I will be feeling after a long day on the beach.

Your Date-Picker,

Friday 9 March 2012

Date #3: The Satisfying One

If you want to accomplish the goals of your life, you have to begin with the spirit. -Oprah Winfrey

Yes, Oprah, Day #3 in Tunisia will sure begin with spirit! Today, our plan is to make a day trip to Bizerte (about 40 minutes north of Tunis) to accomplish one thing, and one thing only. Ever since I was little, it was my all time goal to learn how to scuba dive. Something about being able to breathe at almost 100 feet deep in an underwater paradise has always been intriguing to me. The silent serenity, sights of exotic fish and sea creatures are all elements of the experience which I know I will never forget. And, who better to share one of my ultimate life goals with, than the individuals closest to me--my family! 

I've heard that if you want to get the most out of a recreational diving experience in Tunisia, you have to dive off the coasts of Bizerte. Since it will be my first time, I'm going all-out! Before going on my trip, I will get in touch with a man by the name of Khaled Benamara-Raymond Cornu, operator of Bizerte Plongee Dive Center in Bizerte in order to reserve lessons and a PRIVATE excursion of Les Iles Cani (Cani Islands) for just my party of travellers. The photos below are what I hope to see when down under, but, as we all know, our own pictures are worth more than 1000 words, so I will most definitely bring with an underwater camera to capture my own memories...

See that guy in this picture anxiously exploring? I hope to be him one day!

Taking in the magnificent sites!

Imagine a photoshopped version of this picture with our heads on these guys' bodies!

So, after a day full of all things new, it is time for me to pick my third date off of my date palm. Go ahead, ask me what it tastes like. I'll describe it as being satisfying. Satisfied is exactly how I will be feeling after accomplishing my long time goal of learning how to scuba dive. 

Until tomorrow my friends!

Your Date-Picker,

Thursday 8 March 2012

Dates #4-6: The Ones I almost choked on...

Adventures are to the adventurous. -Benjamin Disraeli

Good morning all! It's day #4 of our Tunisian journey, and it is time to leave Tunis for Douz, the remarkable city in the southwest quarter of Tunisia. Douz, known for its handcraft markets, delicious food, and cheap dates (yay!!), is sometimes referred to as the "Gateway to the Desert."

The bus trip to Douz will take about 8 hours, but the destination is well worth the trek. Along the way, we'll stop to take in the culture and food, while entering the door to the Sahara desert. Our plan is to spend three days here (2 are needed for travel days). One of the first things we will do is embark on a tour of the desert. The idea of traveling as a group through sand dunes, either by camel, a 4x4 jeep, or by foot, is a real thrill for me, and makes me feel like I'm in a movie.

A trek through the desert is just what I need to awaken my senses of exploration!
 Speaking of movies, did you know that most of the Star Wars films were actually filmed in the Tunisian desert? Ya, I was shocked too! In Douz, you can even take a special Star Wars tour to see some film sites first hand. The two cousins I am travelling with are fans of Star Wars, so depending on our timing, I may just allow them to take the tour...

Luke Skywalker was here!
While in Douz, we will be spending two nights at the luxurious Hotel Sahara Douz, where we will enjoy excellent accommodation and fantastic Tunisian cuisine. 

Talk about luxury in this hotel lobby! Great Architecture!
 After three days in Douz, I will have picked dates #4, 5, and 6. You'll never believe what will happen. From all of the excitement and adventures through the unknown, I will have almost choked on my dates! That's exactly how I will be feeling after these three days in Douz...so excited that I will have almost choked! Get me some water, quick!

Your Date-Picker,

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Dates # 7-9: The Sweet Ones

Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music. -Ronald Reagan

Yes President Reagan, this "music" you speak of...that's my vacation, and vacations to me, are like the gateway to a new and refreshing life! They have a lasting effect on you and will change some part of you forever.  

Moving forward, the next three days of our vacation will be spent in the well known, more southern city of Djerba. After three days of non-stop adventure in Douz, I am quite sure everyone will be wanting (and deserving) a break! Now, this break won't just be ANY break, but it will be pure relaxation, serenity, and peace at its finest. I'm talking about the "people-waiting-on-you, never-want-this-to-end" kind of treatment you can get at a five star luxurious hotel...such as the Ulysse Thalasso in Djerba. Its astonishing beauty took my breath away when researching (not to mention its wide variety of spa treatments and restaurants).  Unlike when I'm home, I am going to treat myself to massages, beauty products and remarkably-tasting food without any guilt whatsoever. You may wonder why...and my answer to you will be, because who doesn't like to be endlessly pampered, while stuffing their faces with all things sweet? 

Breath-taking beauty.
Oh, by the way fellow date-pickers, did I mention my ABSOLUTE OBSESSION with food? Maybe I forgot to touch on it thus far. When in Djerba, I am making a point out of eating! I've been exposed to Tunisian cuisine all my life because of my Tunisian cultural roots, yet I am curious to see what more they can offer, and what more I can gain by devouring their traditional dishes (Other than a few pounds of course!). 

Why is food one of my favourite things? Well that's easy...
1. It makes me happy and cures anything.
2. It triggers my senses and memory.
3. Food is family.  

The familiar taste of couscous (my personal favourite), Brik, and Shakshouka will flood my brain and senses with childhood memories of my family. And even though my whole family won't be with me when traveling, tasting the food will be my way of bringing them along in spirit. It'll be as if they're all with me at that very moment. So yes, in a sense, to me, food=love. 

My personal favourite, couscous!

Shakshouka= memories of breakfast with my grandma.

Brik=memories of family parties. 
And just because I can't wait to taste the 'real' Tunisian couscous, I've been trying out many recipes in preparation for my trip. In case anyone wants to make  it one day I found a great link to an easy recipe:

So, three days of being waited on from head to toe, eating until I explode, and reminiscing with my family-about my family-sounds about right! In my opinion, a vacation should be about making new memories, while at the same time, remembering treasured old ones. That's exactly what this trip will be. 
How will the dates I eat at the end of these three days taste? They will be sweet, just like the memories I elicit through taste, and that much-anticipated morning after my long list of spa treatments! 

Your Date-Picker,

Friday 2 March 2012

Date #10: The Rewarding One

The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it. -John Ruskin

Date #10 will be our last official day on vacation, and I will want to make the most of it. I will haul my travel team up and out of bed bright and early in the morning so we can catch our flight taking us from Djerba back to Tunis. The flight will save us a lot of time as it only takes about 1 hour, and will cost roughly 60-200 Euros/person.  This last day in Tunis may just be the one that I will reflect on the most and hold the closest to my heart. Why? Well, today, I will go back in time to the days of my mother's childhood (1960), and visit the house she was born in. To be able to do this with my brother, sister, and two very close cousins is extremely special to me, and it's an experience that I will treasure forever. 

My mom as a little girl in Tunis, near her house.

While I'm in the neighbourhood, I'll touch on some religious aspects by visiting the local synagogue that my grandparents used to attend.

Grande synagogue, Tunis--My Grandparents' shul!!

And, with that being the final activity of my planned vacation, it will also be the final date that I pick off of my ever-shrinking date palm. After I eat this last date, I'll be left with an empty palm and its roots, reflecting the historical family roots I will have discovered through this day's journey. What can I tell you? No vacation can last forever, (that's why it's called a vacation!) but even though all the dates are gone, I will forever be implanted with both the roots of my heritage, as well as the roots of my trip. And better yet, just like any tree reproduces itself through seeds, the memories I will have created on this trip will come home with me, and be re-dispersed and shared with the rest of my family. They'll change me as a person, and leave me with a sense of appreciation of my heritage, family and life back at home. To me, the sharing of experiences is one of the best parts of a vacation. By the way, just so you all know, that last date was a rewarding one, the "date of all dates," one that I savoured while eating, and one that I will savour for the rest of my life.  

Removing the final "rewarding" date off my palm. 
Your Date-Picker,

Thursday 1 March 2012

Post Date-Picking: Down to the Roots

If you don't know where you're going, you will probably end up somewhere else. -Lawrence J. Peter

Welcome back to reality! So, at this point, in a sense, you have all "virtually traveled" my dream vacation to Tunisia. You've watched as I've picked and tasted all the dates off of my date palm, and have arrived at the bare roots. You've experienced days (and dates) just as I will experience them when the time comes for me to make my dream a reality. You've trekked through everything from mouth-watering foods to refreshing days on the beach; from satisfying adventures to exciting desert journeys. You've endured the sweetness of spa relaxation, and even shared in discovering my rewarding historical heritage. This would be my ideal vacation because it suits my interests, preferences and abilities. 

I usually don't like thinking about a budget when planning, because I find that it restricts me, and I DO NOT want to restrict myself when it comes to my dream. Therefore, just roughly reporting, the trip for just myself including flights/bus fare (~$2500), meals (~$700), accommodation (~$3000), excursions (~$1000), and spending money (~$500) will cost me close to $8,000.00--a price that is within a reasonable budget for my dream. In all seriousness though, I do believe that one cannot truly put a price on what I will be bringing back with me when the trip ends. Who can follow a budget when you're dealing with family, history, culture and most importantly, a dream that you possess? It takes me back to that wise person who once told me to never limit myself...that was my mom by the way, and coincidently, she is one of the reasons behind my trip. To put a price on my journey would be like trying to put a price on family, and that is unheard of! 

"Putting a price on my trip would be like putting a price on family..." My mom and I.
So, with that, I will leave you all with one last thought: A vacation is like the date palm I've described to you throughout these posts; full of life, always changing and ever-growing. Everyone will have a different palm, filled with different dates. Everyone will have a different dream destination. Mine is Tunisia. I encourage each and every one of you to discover yours.

Your Date-Picker,

P.S. I'll even bring home some souvenirs for you! But for now, these key words (in the shape of a date) will be the ones that highlight my experience, and that you will remember from my blog. Click on the word cloud below:
Wordle: Tunisian Feelings