Monday 12 March 2012

Pre-Date-Picking: Considerations and Expectations

Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill.
-Zig Ziglar

By now you've all got the basics of my trip and most importantly, the well-rooted purpose of it. Before we start our 'date-picking,' we must break down the master plan a little further:

Where to? 
The ten day venture will begin in Tunis (Tunisia's capital), where I will explore Tunisia from a cultural and historical perspective. I will taxi to Bizerte (a city in the North) where I will unleash my adventurous side by learning how to scuba dive in Cani. Next, in the city of Douz, I will trek through the Saharian Desert on a camel to say I've done something that not many people will ever get the chance to do. I'll move onto Djerba, an eastern Tunisian landmark, where I will enjoy the luxuries of prime spa treatments and the serenity of beach air. Finally, I will wrap up the trip by returning to Tunis in order to get in touch with my heritage by traveling not only through space, but back in time. 

View My Tunisian Trek in a larger map

I am choosing to embark on this journey with my sister, brother, and two cousins (on my mother's side). We all share a deep connection to Tunisia through our parents, and I feel that discovering it together will not only make us closer as a family, but will allow us to bring back many memories that will last a lifetime. 

My travel group and I almost 15 years ago!

My travel group (one cousin missing) and I-present day. As you can see, we love adventures!

According to many travel sites and recommendations, I will live out this dream when unrest in the Middle East subsides, so as to ensure maximum safety. Ideally, I would like to go at some point within the next 5 years. We'll all still be young, healthy, and most likely not have any serious commitments holding us least I'd like to hope so...According to Tunisian weather averages, and our more free schedules during this time period, we will travel at some point near the end of May-beginning of June. 

Unfortunately, direct flights from Toronto to Tunis are limited, if any. Therefore, we will have to connect in Paris, France. I'm going to expect this to be a long, tiring day!
Once in Tunisia, travel by train, taxi, and bus are all valid routes of transportation. 

Tips: Surviving in Tunisia
What have I heard? 
  • Not great for women traveling alone (That's why I'm traveling in a pack!).
  • Communication can be difficult due to language barriers (That's why I speak French!)
  • Don't lose sight of belongings (That's why I'm not bringing valuables!)
  • Get used to stares (That's why I've already practised my smile!)

Prepare your palates people, because we're about to pick and enjoy some delicious dates!

Your Date-picker,

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