Tuesday 13 March 2012

Home of the Date Palm

Marhaban! Bienvenue! Welcome...
to my Tunisian Dream

Someone once told me to never underestimate the power of dreams - "Dare to Dream, and Dream to Dare." Dreams allow you to discover the indiscoverable, to feel the intangible, and to reach the unreachable. So, when I was asked to dig deep into my dreams and share with the world my dream vacation destination, I'll tell you one thing - I DEFINITELY did not limit myself.

'10 Dates, 1 Palm' is my means for sharing a "fruitful" prospective journey through my mother's homeland of Tunisia. You know, that little country in North Africa that people commonly confuse with Morocco...We all know (or are about to find out) that Tunisia (amongst other things) is famous for its date palms. Those sweet, "melt-in-your-mouth," "candies-for-adults," (as I like to call them) were my inspiration for this site, and are used to help me express to you how I will feel after each day on my trip. The idea is, that after each day I describe, I will also pick and eat a date whose taste will mimic the sensations I feel on that specific date. So, yes, in essence, I am describing a date with a date...kind of sweet (no pun intended).

The Infamous "Tunisian Date Palm." 

As my future vacation unfolds, my goal is to pick the ten dates off of my date palm, and eventually by the end of my trip, reach the lonely palm and its accompanying roots. The roots represent my Tunisian heritage, as all of my mother's family immigrated to Canada from Tunis. She was only three years old when the family chose to leave for religious/political reasons, but somewhere deep inside of her, and inside of her children, the Tunisian seed still lives on. Sometimes I wonder what it would have been like if she had never moved from there, and if I was actually born in Tunisia. This sparked my desire to travel to Tunisia to explore what my life would have been like if I lived there.

So, why Tunisia? Well, because it is a destination that fits the ten characteristics in my "About me" section, and because it will "water" the Tunisian seed living inside of me. Enjoy the picking!

Your one and only Tunisian Date Picker,


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