Friday 9 March 2012

Date #3: The Satisfying One

If you want to accomplish the goals of your life, you have to begin with the spirit. -Oprah Winfrey

Yes, Oprah, Day #3 in Tunisia will sure begin with spirit! Today, our plan is to make a day trip to Bizerte (about 40 minutes north of Tunis) to accomplish one thing, and one thing only. Ever since I was little, it was my all time goal to learn how to scuba dive. Something about being able to breathe at almost 100 feet deep in an underwater paradise has always been intriguing to me. The silent serenity, sights of exotic fish and sea creatures are all elements of the experience which I know I will never forget. And, who better to share one of my ultimate life goals with, than the individuals closest to me--my family! 

I've heard that if you want to get the most out of a recreational diving experience in Tunisia, you have to dive off the coasts of Bizerte. Since it will be my first time, I'm going all-out! Before going on my trip, I will get in touch with a man by the name of Khaled Benamara-Raymond Cornu, operator of Bizerte Plongee Dive Center in Bizerte in order to reserve lessons and a PRIVATE excursion of Les Iles Cani (Cani Islands) for just my party of travellers. The photos below are what I hope to see when down under, but, as we all know, our own pictures are worth more than 1000 words, so I will most definitely bring with an underwater camera to capture my own memories...

See that guy in this picture anxiously exploring? I hope to be him one day!

Taking in the magnificent sites!

Imagine a photoshopped version of this picture with our heads on these guys' bodies!

So, after a day full of all things new, it is time for me to pick my third date off of my date palm. Go ahead, ask me what it tastes like. I'll describe it as being satisfying. Satisfied is exactly how I will be feeling after accomplishing my long time goal of learning how to scuba dive. 

Until tomorrow my friends!

Your Date-Picker,

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